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Our Expeditions books serve as our guide each year through our Expedition. In the books, we will learn interesting facts about the place that we are exploring, details about the missionary that we are learning about, and all about one of the fruits that the Bible says should be in a Christian soldier's life. Each year, our books are different so that no child will repeat curriculum as they move their nine years in the program.
Expeditions is a self paced program. Although there is always more material for those highly excelling in the program, this also allows there to be no pressure on children with learning disabilities or those who begin attending your church part way through the year.
There are four levels of books that a child can move through each Expeditions year. These levels include:
Level 1 - Boot Camp Booklet - All explorers begin each year by completing boot camp in order to be ready for the expedition of the year. This eight panel pamphlet takes all explorers through a simple plan of the gospel. For new visitors, this booklet acts as a gospel tract that can be sent home and learned. For your regular church kids who may already know the Lord, this booklet acts to further prepare your kids to be ready to share the good news of the gospel with others.
Level 2 - Expedition Book - Once they have completed their boot camp, they are now ready for the expedition for the year. Each year all age groups in your church will follow a great missionary hero of the past to the country they ministered in. While on the Expedition, your children will also learn all about missions and a number of interesting facts about that country. The memory verses in these books cover a Fruit of the Spirit and encourage the development of Christian character.
is an exciting and adventure-filled children's program designed for children ages 3 years old up through the 6th grade. The program places a strong emphasis on missions, scripture memory, and developing Christian character.
Level 3 - The Review - After completing the Expedition book your child will move into the review section found at the back of their Expedition Book. This section reviews information from the Expedition book as well as the Boot Camp booklet for the year.
Level 4 - Beyond Books - The Beyond Series is a group of ten age-specific extra credit books designed to help the children learn even more about missions. These books cover a variety of scriptural topics that all have to do with missions and with being a better soldier in the Lord's army.
Please click on the above links to view some PDF samples of each age group's materials.
Taking a Virtual Tour of Expeditions