Can I integrate Expeditions into my current children's ministries?
Definitely! Expeditions is very flexible and can be incorporated into your ministry however you choose. We're not a cookie cutter program. We’re able to be adjusted to serve your local church and your unique needs.
How can I learn about Expeditions programs and curriculum?
A sample pack is available by filling out our online form. The packet includes an overview of curriculum using actual sample pages of our programs and many more details. If you'd like to begin evaluating our programs and materials immediately, you'll find some other helpful information and samples on our "About Us" pages.
How much does Expeditions cost?
Expeditions will provide your church with top-quality programs and materials. Your church can run Expeditions for as little as $16 per child your first year and as low as $8 per child each subsequent year (compared to the average $35-$45 per child in other children's programs). Churches generally disburse most or all of these costs, such as handbook and uniform prices, to the parents of the kids participating in their Expeditions program.
What happens in an Expeditions meeting?
Each church creates its own schedule, but in general meetings are 90 minutes to two hours long...the length is up to your church. Opening Time identifies where you will be headed that night. Book Time provides small-group interaction and recitation of Scripture that kids learned during the week. It also features friendship building and opportunities for leaders to mentor children and help them understand the Bible verses they learn. Game Time is comprised of exciting games that are a popular draw for churched and non-churched children alike. Lesson Time consists of Bible teaching and a presentation of God’s plan of salvation. Your child will learn more about what missions is, how God used a great missionary of the past, and how they too can become a great soldier for the Lord.
I am currently using another program, will it be easy to switch to Expeditions?
Yes, We have churches who have started Expeditions from a variety of other programs. We work hard to help your transition go as smoothly as possible. All those who have transitioned over to Expeditions have said that the transition was as easy and painless as this sort of transition could be for their church.