Ideas of Ways to expose your kids to even more of missions and the missionfield:
Invite a missionary in to speak to you kids. Having contact with a real live missionary will be a blessing to your whole club.
Do an internet search for real pictures of your missionary. Many times you can find pictures of them, their families, some of the mission buildings they built, a ship they rode on, the house they grew up in, a copy of some of the pages of a Bible they translated, their gravestone, and other things that will help bring the missionary more to life for them.
Have a night where you talk about a different country and then bring in food from that country.
Have a night where you turn all the lights off and sing some hymns or songs by candlelight or the moonlight. Then quote some verses and talk about them. Explain that some persecuted believers have to meet in secret and have church services like this in other countries.
Collect 5-7 missionary's prayer cards and hang them in your classroom or on a large map of the world. Each night of Expeditions pray for a different one of them.
Pretend that your class is going to go on a missions trip or become a missionary. Choose a country as a class. Learn about the people, food, animals, climate, religions, and language of that country. Look up how long it would take to get there from your church. See how much plane tickets would cost. Finally, find a missionary from your church who works in that area and write them an email or a letter.