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The following four books are indespensible for your leaders to have each Expeditions year to help you and your children to get the most out of the Expeditions program.


Commander's Notebook

This notebook contains all the items your commander will need to make the year a success. It includes a "Nuts and Bolts" section which is a complete guide for you as the commander on how to run the program, a copy of the lessons for the year, schedule helps, missionary helps and information, class competitions, leader helps as well as many other helpful resources.





Leader's Guide

The Leader's Guides contain schedules, a copy of the lessons for the year, coloring pages to accompany the lessons, information about the missionary for the year, and more. These guides will help your leaders to have the knowledge and information they need to be successful throughout the year.





Tales of the Trail Storybook

These newly produced books bring the missionary stroies to life. Each story is told in an exciting first-person way as though the missionary is actually talking with the children. Each story also contains pictures and maps to help the children gain a little better understanding of the great things that God did in each missionary's life. 





Record Keeping notebook

These notebooks are used to keep track of the progress of each child in the class. They contain a checklist for all checkpoints in the book as well as a place to keep stickers for the books. There is a separate notebook for each age division in the program.





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